Wednesday 2 May 2012



This web site is useful for both teacher and students. they can make any cartoons and put any words they want.  using this site, teachers can teach their students fun and joyfully.

week6 (Quiz-and rubric software)

This website is very useful for teachers to make quizzes whatever they want with any subjects and topics.
they can make the quiz with any questions and choose the number of questions from 1 to 10.

Also, we can create our own rubric with using Rubistar site. So, we can assessment our student to do all categories we want them to do.



1) Describe the assignment
I think this assignment is very useful for everyone to get ready for future. we can show who we are, what we have done, and how we grow up. Also, this is more convenient than paper works because we can change pictures and edit the resume whenever we want.

2) What are the benefits of having an online portfolio?
 we don't need to worry about losing. we can keep and use it forever. Also, when we need to turn it in to companies, we can edit what we want to change.

3) What are the features you liked about the weebly site?
 we can design the background, font, and add some pictures. 
4) What were the challenges?

5) How would you use weebly in your future classroom?
 I will use this site for students to prepare their career early. The earlier they prepare for their job, the better.

week 5&6 (WebQuest)

1) Talk about the project concept and/ or how you chose the topic for this project.

we selected this because it is related to elementary school students. Our webquest is related to grades 3-5. the concept of webquest is about organ systems especially, Digestive, Respiratory, and skeletons.

2) Why did you choose this topic? What is the learning outcome or purpose of your Web Quest?
we chose this topic because it is one of the parts they learn at the ages in elementary.
At the completion of  this webquest, students should be able to:
  • List body parts that belong to digestive, respiratory, & skeletal systems.
  • Describe the function of each body system.
  • Identify diseases/illnesses that are related to each body system.
  • Give examples of how to stay healthy within the body systems.
3) In what way will this Web Quest improve your students learning?
In many different ways, my students will be able to learn by using Web Quest. Thy will be able to present their work and assignments. Also, they can post what they want and edit easily. It will be very useful tool for them to learn.

4) What did you think was the most important lesson you learned from this activity?
I think i learned a lot from this activity such as searching information, posting the contents, editing the posts and cooperation with my partner.

5) What did you like or dislike about the software or web-based online tool you used?
I like this web site because I can create my own work page, so that i can teach my students fun and communicate with them.

6) What would you do differently next time you do this activity and/or use this tool?
  I would like use this tool as a assignment site and portfolio.

Week10 ( i-movie)


1)Describe your assignment
The assignment was the new invention commercial selling our unique and creative product. It was ultra fantastic watch. We can do everything such as checking attendance, assignment, and getting information from school.

2)what features did you use in i-movie to enhance your video?
we used transitions, title and subject, sound effect, editing, and other effective things.

3)What did you like/dislike about i-movie?
I liked using a variate of effective things such as sounds effect, transition, and other features.

4)Would you use it in your classroom? If so, how?(Give other example lessons)
yes, i will use it in classroom like we did. i will use it as a checking attendance device, and communicating with my students and their parents.

5)How did you like using the flip-cams?(Pros & Cons)
 I think the pros is that it can connect to the computer as USB and import the video we took immediately. and for cons, the clear picture quality is not good to record. Also, if it had the bigger screen, it would be better.

6) Give an overall rating of this assignment?

This assignments was really good for me. while i was recording, i could learn how to use the i-movie, and how to edit the video. Also, it could help students be close to each other.

9 / 10

Week 2 Jan26-Feb1 (Wordle and Bubble) activity website

*Describe Assignment
  At the first days of class, we wrote adjectives on the back of all classmates and then we visited website ''. we typed every word from each other and made a great work.
Also, we made a mind-map by using website. It was easy to use for everyone.

*How was it helpful to you as a future teacher?
  Both sites were helpful to me because they made me fun and interested. I can use them when teaching my students making their own creative works and presentation.

*What are other assignment ideas using this site?
Using this sites, we can do some assignments such as presentation and group work. These sites will be useful for everyone.
*How would you rate the software used & Why? (1-10)

10 for, I think it looks very nice because we can make the main words look bigger than other words.
overall, it is very useful for everyone.
10 for website, Brainstorming is very important in many parts such as study and work.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


Link for Prezy

a) Briefly describe your presentation and which software you used
The software i used for this assignment is Prezi. with using the software, we could make our presentation looks nicer than before. We presented two topics. the two topics were very helpful for us to know how technology enhance the learning and is useful in special education.

b) on a scale of 1-10, how do you think you did?
10, we searched a lot of informations and designed it to look great:)

c) If you had to do it again, what would you do differently and why?
I would like to put various backgrounds after downloading so that the presentation will be nicer than basic given backgrounds.

d)Describe your experience using the given software? was it user friendly? would you use it again? what were challenges?
I have used only Power point software for presentation. however, since this semester, i have changed to use other software. It is Prezi. It make people professional and look nice. It has been popular. i will use it more instead of ppt.

e)How would you use this in your future classroom?
I will use it when i present in my future classroom. I'm sure, I will be fluent in using this software at that time.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Week 1 Jan19-25 ( Time-line activity)

Week 1  Jan 19-25

1.Introduction to the class
2.Skills assessment
3.Learned how to do forums & use of
4.Timeline site